11/02/23 – A Work in Progress

Welcome back to another blog post! So far, a month has passed and we have some updates on the progress of the capstone course. I’ve joined a team of six to work on a Software as a Service (SaaS) application for a startup company known as Levrum. The application’s purpose is to use GPS data for risk analysis that Fire departments can use to improve their emergency response handling. There is already an implementation of this application that was worked on by a previous capstone group so we have a back-end server and a front-end client. The objective this quarter is to expand on the current offering of the application based on client specifications.

The Team

The team has six members in total and so far everything has gone quite well! Communication has been excellent as the team has been used Discord for the main form of communication. Client communication has also been through Discord, which has been going well thus far. The client responds in a timely manner to questions and requests. They’ve even helped team members get the application running on their personal devices.

My Tasks

My tasks with the team is to work on the Control Plane side, while other members are work on the data side or database/back-end. The control plane is a component in SaaS architecture that encompasses multi-tenant features such as access control, billing, maintenance for administrative tasks, etc. So this part of the application is quite involved and there are quite a few things to do. The team has two other members assigned and we have split up tasks to be able to get an understanding of the existing app, then start adding features to it. We’ve split the tasks into two parts: user authentication/login and billing. Currently, the team has implemented login with Auth0, something simple so a user can login, and using Stripe for the billing side in order to accept payments. The team is still researching Stripe and at the same time trying to understand the extensive code base, as it is not well-documented so we have our work cut out for us.

Stay Tuned

Stay tuned for the next updates as we are working to implement more features with the application so far. I’d like to share some screenshots of the current iteration of the app so I will check with the client to see if that is allowed.







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