Recruitment and Selection

Employee recruitment and hiring is something that is performed in every single industry across the globe. Its importance may be overlooked in certain situations. Organizations might decide to allocate more funding towards marketing or product design instead of employee recruitment for multiple reasons. The organization might require little staffing to sell its product, and therefore the cost benefit of spending the funds on marketing or product design is far greater than spending them on employee selection and recruitment. The organization might have ample access to a large equally skilled labor pool, and therefore good employees are readily available making the benefit of extra funding for employee recruitment minimal. The organization might have a low turnover rate with long standing highly skilled employees, making extra funding for employee recruitment unnecessary. 

The potential strengths and weaknesses of an organizations decision not to prioritize employee recruitment and selection can depend on the type of business and if an organization falls into one of the situations above. If it is more profitable for the organization to allocate the funds to marketing vs. employee recruitment this would be a strength.  The weaknesses are that if employee recruitment and selection is not prioritized then poor hiring decisions may result. Poor hiring decisions can result in poor workplace conditions and employee dissatisfaction and increased stress among employees. This can result in employees calling out sick, or bullying other employees, or a multitude of other poor behaviors that could impact both your production and revenue, but also in poor publicity and potentially a bad reputation.  

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One response to “Recruitment and Selection”

  1. Hi Kristy. I came to a similar conclusion on the conditional dynamics that might result in an organization prioritizing other business functions over staffing- including low employee turn-over and access to a large labor pool.

    However, despite these conditional dynamics, in today’s highly competitive and fast paced marketplace I believe the risk of not prioritizing staffing to recruit and retain talented employees can be significant for any organization.

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