Writing Exercise #11

Reading and critiquing someone else’s work typically isn’t the most exciting as the point of peer reviewing is not to bash on someone work but instead give helpful advice to write a stronger paper. However the difficulty comes with trying to find a balance between helpful critiques without sounding like you are attempting to bash them which is never the case. I definitely learned a good amount especially the fact that I did not include a single piece of evidence that would counter my thesis so my paper, like the ones I reviewed was not really discussing a controversial topic but instead informative on a specific topic. I also learned that adding my figures into my writing would greatly impact the engagement levels and really make the paper much easier to read as the reader would not have to go out of their way clicking on links and searching for where the figure came from. These are just some of the few changes that I plan on making before my final paper, and are likely to show up on the reviews for my paper as well.

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