Prior to this week, I felt that unions were outdated. However, after learning about the benefits of unions to workers and doing some independent research, I can see how they may continue to be relevant, even with new standards for workplace safety and compensation.
The article “Understanding the Pros and Cons of Labor Unions” reiterates the pros of working for a union as an employee, such as higher wages and benefits as well as better working conditions and job security, as well as risks to employer, including risk of strikes, potential for workplace tension, and higher costs. Additionally, this source also provides counterbalances to these arguments, including risks to employees. In addition to union dues and potential work stoppages, unions also have strict rules that limit autonomy and bind workers to agreements even when they disagree, and may favor seniority, which can disfavor new employees. The article also discusses additional benefits to employers in addition to having a formalized process for grievances, including the ability to more accurately predict future costs and unions setting broader economic trends and providing additional career training for employees.
After this week, I have changed my initial stance on unions. While I would not seek one out, I no longer feel that they are outdated and serve no purpose in today’s workplace. I see how unions continue to contribute to fair workplace conditions and can help both employers and employees, given the right circumstances. However, I do not think unions are necessary in all workplaces, and given great management and careful attention to workers’ needs and complaints, many workplaces can and do get by without the need for union intervention.