Samsung Galaxy Tab 7.0

Samsung Galaxy

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Today I am writing about the engadget review on the Samsung galaxy tab 7 plus. To start things off I like how the reviewer cuts right to the chase and does not sweet talk his product. He talks about the downsides while talking about the specifications of the phone. I like how he did this because he does not sound biased. Sounding biased usually portrays a bad image because the audience won’t trust the author as well. When he talks about the downsides about it I let my guard down because I know he’s telling the truth. Furthermore, the way he presents the product is effective and efficient. He goes the modern route by not having a professional background and camera but more-so an “ordinary bob” image to make the audience feel comfortable. He specifically talks about a specific piece of hardware which is an infrared light sensor. What this does is it acts a communicator the same ones remote controls communicate with television. This new tablet has that exact function where the infrared light sensor allows a consumer to use the tablet as a remote controller. Another strong point in the video is how he uses the product while reviewing it. The visual images that go along with the video help and the showing how the new hardware works is also very effective. When shows the actual tablet function it helps the audience to follow along with him and allows him to connect with them.  Also showing the tablet in action is more interesting than him just talking about it. As the video progresses it does not get boring and I think it is because of the flow of the video. Overall the video was enjoyable to watch and the author did it accordingly.


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