This is my first blog post and I thought to spend some time on my favorite technologies. Although this has evolved recently, I have enjoyed learning WebGL by using three.js. This framework allows for some really cool ways of expressing creativity on a browser. I first learned about it by following the YouTube channel.
Three.js takes advantage of your computer’s GPU to animate compelling 3D graphics. The sky is the limit when it comes to how people have used it to create some amazing sites. The best one I’ve seen by far is Simon Bruno’s portfolio page. Have a look and play around, it’s a blast (best viewed on a laptop or desktop).
I personally am learning the framework to create unconventional website designs and perhaps develop my own interaction designs for a portfolio. It’s taken me a few years, but I’ve learned this is an area of career interest for me because it allows me to express my creativity while using challenging technology tools within web development.
Thanks for reading! I’ll see you on the flippity flip.
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