
Are Unions On Your Side?

The purpose of unions is to protect employee rights and continuously improve working conditions. Some people choose not to join the union for their industry, and other’s would not feel safe without being a part of one. There are both pros and con to being a part of a union, and it should ultimately be up to each employee.

Pros of being a part of a union:

When a member of a union, you have a majority party advocating for you. You would not have to advocate for your own worker’s rights when you are in a union, and that begins with wages. A union will negotiate wages and benefits to ensure that employees are being compensated properly. Additionally, unions will aid in any malpractice or disturbances that an employee might face. Unionized workers have systems in place to fall back on if they feel they are being mistreated. According to the International Association for Heat and Frost Insulators and Allied Workers, “unions provide workplace representation for their members, have some influence over workplace rules, and provide protection from arbitrary discipline and dismissal” ( Overall, being a part of a union will provide more safety and fail safe practices if something goes wrong in the workplace and a place for employees to have a strong voice.

Cons of being a part of a union:

One con to being a member of a union is that you will have to pay union dues. The price will differ, but unions will charge a certain amount of money in order to be able to advocate for employees. Additionally, being a part of a union might provide less autonomy for its members. The unions have rules and regulations, which might restrict what an employee is able to do.

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