The effectivness of training

This term I have been learning about Construction safety in one of my classes, you might think that safety is straight forward and once verbally communicated it’s all good, yet that could not be further from the truth. In reality, a construction site is a danger at all times, According to OSHA one out of 10 construction workers gets injured every year. This is why universities such as Oregon State have now been funding research on how to limit all known hazards from happening by designing and engineering products and job sites.
Training is a large majority of this, the thing about construction safety training is that it needs to be implemented early on before bad habits form, and needs to be enforced consistently to make sure no shortcuts are taken. An example is for instance the usage of ladders, there is consistent misusage of equipment on a construction site and the ladder is always one of them. Either using an A-frame as an extension ladder or placing the ladder in a bad location only for convenience. It is very important to keep training people, even those who have been around for a long time, if they are too confident on a ladder it can be very dangerous for them as well those around them.
Overall I have seen where good safety training prevents injury and where bad training can lead to more accidents, it is very important to follow the training and makes sure everyone knows it well because lives depend on it. As a future contractor, I will have an emphasis on saftey training.


OSHA. (n.d.). OSHA Construction Safety Training. OSHA Education Center. 

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