The Cost of Owning and Operating Farm Machinery

The Costs of Owning and Operating Farm Machinery in the Pacific Northwest 2011  PNW 346

By: Kathleen Painter, Analyst, Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology, University of Idaho, Moscow

What size of machinery is most economical?
How much machinery is needed for a given acreage
and/or crop mix?
Should machinery be leased, rented, custom-hired, or
Should new or used machinery be purchased?
How long should machinery be kept before it is replaced?

If you have been wondering about any of these questions–you may want to check this publication out.

View entire publication (pdf) with interactive table of contents

View table of contents (pdf)

View the text (pdf)
Ownership costs
Operating costs
Timeliness costs
Total and per-unit-of-work costs and their relationship to machine use
Machinery cost projections
Adjusting costs to fit your situation
Estimating costs for operations involving two or more machines
View Appendix A: Machinery Costs Tables (pdf)
Tillage Equipment
Seeding Equipment
Forage Harvesting Equipment
Crop and Grain Harvesting Equipment
Other Equipment
View Appendix B: Remaining On-Farm Value (RFV) Tables for Tractors and Other Self-propelled Equipment (pdf)
RFV of small tractors
RFV of medium tractors
RFV of large tractors
RFV of grain combines
RFV of skid-steer loaders and all other vehicles
View Appendix C: Machinery Cost Survey Results (pdf)
Tillage Equipment
Seeding Equipment
Forage Harvesting Equipment
Crop and Grain Harvesting Equipment
Other Equipment




© 2011 University of Idaho                                                          Revised 2011
Pacific Northwest extension publications are produced cooperatively by the three Pacific Northwest land-grant universities: Washington State University, Oregon State University, and the University of Idaho. Similar crops, climate, and topography create a natural geographic unit that crosses state lines. Since 1949, the PNW program has published more than 550 titles, preventing duplication of effort, broadening the availability of faculty specialists, and substantially reducing costs for the participating states.Published and distributed in furtherance of the Acts of Congress of May 8 and June 30, 1914, by University of Idaho Extension, the Oregon State University Extension Service, Washington State University Extension, and the U.S. Department of Agriculture cooperating.

The three participating extension services offer educational programs, activities, and materials without regard to race, color, national origin, religion, sex, sexual orientation, age, disability, or status as a disabled veteran or Vietnam-era veteran, as required by state and federal laws. University of Idaho Extension, Oregon State University Extension Service, and Washington State University Extension are Equal Opportunity Employers.

About Engel

Ms. Engel is an OSU field faculty member in the department of Animal Sciences. She has a B.S (1997) and a M.S. (2007) in Animal Science from South Dakota State University. She is housed at the OSU Klamath Basin Research and Extension Center in Klamath Falls, OR where she serves the extension and research needs of livestock and forage producers. Her research has focused on investigating opportunities to extend the grazing season and low input methods to increase pasture productivity.
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2 Responses to The Cost of Owning and Operating Farm Machinery

  1. hasan dough says:

    Is it possible to buy this publication online. If it is possible please send me the address where i can buy it.

    Thank you.

  2. Engel says:

    Thanks for your question. Sorry–it is only available online. You can access the link on the blog.

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