Just a reminder that the deadline for the Farm Service Agency’s NAP insurance is approaching. NAP insurance (Noninsured Assistance Program) is available to producers for crops that do not have insurance available from other sources and includes pasture and hay crops.
This is a catastrophic insurance program which will provide payments to producers if they suffer a 50% or larger loss due to drought and other weather related conditions. The insurance cost $250 per crop and producers will only pay a maximum of $750 per county for coverage. By purchasing NAP insurance producers will also be eligible for additional Farm Service Agency programs as they become available.
The deadline for NAP insurance is November 30,2010 for pasture, Grass-Alfalfa Hay, Grass hay, grain hays and alfalfa hay older than 8 years.
Again this is a catastrophic insurance program and only provides payments for losses greater than 50%. Similar insurance is available for Modoc and Siskiyou County producers and their deadlines may differ from Klamath County.
Producers interested in signing up are encouraged to stop by the Klamath County Farm Service Agency at 2316 South Sixth Street Suite C or may call 541-883-6924 x 2.