Virtually everything that is being used in our senior project is new to everyone in our group. The main thing, Bevy, is a game engine that is written in Rust. The cool thing about Bevy is that it is entirely open-source, which means anyone can contribute to it. While the engine is by far the most developed Rust game engine, it still lacks some features that all other big game engines have, like an editor or official tutorials. Nonetheless, we are making some good progress even with these limitations.
One of my favorite parts about working with Bevy is the fact that it is written in and uses Rust. In the grand scheme of things, I am still new to coding. This means it can be easy for someone like me to make small mistakes that can be a big problem for the stability of a program. Rust is a language that helps prevent many of these minor issues by checking everything at compile time. While it sometimes makes developing an application a little slower, once something I write in Rust works, it continues to work.
Due to Bevy still being pretty new, if I could start over, I think that I would do a project in either Unreal Engine or Unity. One of the main points of working on this project is to help build my resume, and I still have yet to find one job listing that lists Bevy as a nice to have. However, Bevy uses an ECS or Entity Component System, which is something Unreal Engine is slowly adapting to. Who knows? Once it gets more complete, I have a feeling Bevy will be a strong contender in the game engine space, especially since there are no licensing fees.