CS 461


To everyone reading this, my name is Johnny, and I am currently a senior CS student at Oregon State University. I started my journey at the University of New Hampshire in their computer science program but did not overly enjoy it. The year was 2020, and we all know how that went. While I did not have the opportunity to do much during my first year, I was able to start a competitive Overwatch team, which is still going strong today.

Since then, I have tried doing a year of cinematography at UNH, but that was not my cup of tea. Then, one summer night, while playing pubg with my friends, one of them told me I should just try and return to computer science. I decided to make the switch, but instead of returning to UNH, I decided to try OSU’s campus (since driving across America is somewhat of a commute), and I have been enjoying it for the past few years.

Eventually, I want to work in the gaming industry or develop GPU drivers. Thankfully, I found some teammates for my capstone who are interested in doing Engineering Simulations with Game Development Tools. The project looks very interesting, and I am excited to work with my new team.


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