I have a confession. I used ChatGPT to help create my blog’s name. How did this happen?
Let me go back to the start of creating this blog. When I started the sign-up process, I noticed a list of newly created blogs, including blogs created by classmates in CS 467. Some classmates had used topical names for their blogs. A topical name seemed like a good idea so I decided to do the same. I couldn’t, however, think of a name for my blog. I was stuck.
While having this brain block, I recalled a conversation with my boss on Friday regarding ChatGPT. He had some friends who had been trying it out and told him it was replying with surprising good answers. He decided to try it himself and was also surprised about the general quality of the answers.
During this conversation, we discussed ways ChatGPT could impact our profession. We considered whether this could in the future be used as a reference to look up answers to legal questions. We also discussed the possibility of using the technology to create contracts. The possibilities are kind of interesting when you start thinking about the potential implications of this technology.
So coming back to my blog naming issue, I thought why not see if ChatGPT could suggest a name for me. I started by going to the OpenAI’s ChatGPT website. There, I discovered that I must first create an account. Normally, I don’t like creating a new account because it is just another account name and password to remember. The sign-up process, however, was relatively painless as I could use my Google account to create an account.
Once into the account, I asked ChatGPT what is a good name for a blog. The software returned a surprisingly good answer. ChatGPT suggested that I focus on the topic of the blog, the intended audience, or personal style. It then provided examples of each of these suggestions. For example, it suggested consider a name like “Wanderlust World” for a travel blog. Moreover, this initial response helped me refine my question to be suggest “good names for blog about computer science capstone project.”
In response to this refined question, ChatGPT returned a list of suggested names. The list included the following:
- “Code to Capstone”
- “Tech Tales”
- “CS Capstone Chronicles”
- “The Final Frontier”
- “Computing Conclusions”
- “Innovative Ideas in CS”
- “Project Paradigms”
- “The Capstone Corner”
- “Tech Trek”
- “Computer Science Capstone Connections”
This list was a good start. There were a few, such as “Code to Capstone” and “Project Paradigms” that I kind of liked. None though screamed out to me “USE IT.”
ChaptGPT, however, has a convenient feature that allows for resubmission of the same request to generate a new answer. I did this four times. ChatGPT generated some repeated suggestions. It especially like suggesting “Tech Trek” and “Capstone Chronicles.” But it also generated new ones. And on the fourth try, I finally saw one that resonated with me: “The Capstone Journey.” I eliminated “The”, and I had the name of my blog: “Capstone Journey.” And thus, this is how I ended with a blog name suggested by ChatGPT