Category: Uncategorized

  • Machine Learning

    I took Linear Algebra during my first time at college, back when I was studying to be a chemical engineer, this was probably in early 2010, so thirteen years ago now. I remember enjoying the course, the material was interesting, and I believe that I did well in it, but can’t recall exactly what my…

  • The (Job?) Hunt

    When I started this program, I had a very vague idea of what I wanted out of it: namely, a new job as a software developer, but I didn’t really care much in what discipline or language or field it was in. It just didn’t matter all that much to me at the time. I…

  • Capstone

    Beginning of an Ending This week is the beginning of a new term, but it also marks an end because if all goes well this term, it will be my last at OSU. I don’t think I’m in any sort of unique position here given that capstone is usually a student’s last course before embarking…

  • Hello world!

    Welcome to This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!