Dr. Lavern Weber honored by Oregon Legislature

Dr. Lavern Weber, HMSC Director from 1977-2002, passed away on May 5, 2014. Representative David Gomberg and his colleagues in the Oregon Legislature honored him and his family on March 17, 2015 with passage of HCR 12, in memoriam Dr. Lavern Weber. Click on the link to for video of the event, including Rep. Gomberg’s thoughtful and touching tribute to HMSC’s esteemed former Director. The relevant portion begins at 18:50.



Rep. David Gomberg introducing HCR 12, in memoriam Dr. Lavern Weber.

Rep. David Gomberg introducing HCR 12, in memoriam Dr. Lavern Weber.

Dr. Weber's family - his wife, Pat Lewis (right), daughter Pamela and son Tim.

Dr. Weber’s family – his wife, Pat Lewis (right), daughter Pamela and son Tim.

The entire chamber honors Dr. Weber's family with a prolonged standing ovation after passage of the resolution.

The entire chamber honors Dr. Weber’s family with a prolonged standing ovation after passage of the resolution.

Dr. Lavern Weber

Dr. Lavern Weber

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