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MA Student Kathleen McHugh Presents at Phi Alpha Theta Conference

On 24 April, MA student Kathleen McHugh presented her research at the 2021 Phi Alpha Theta Western/Central New York Annual Regional Conference. Mc Hugh’s presentation examined university-level household physics textbooks in home economics curricula. McHugh argued that “University-level household physics textbooks were positively received by both the physics and home economics communities because they created […]

MA Student Celia Oney Defends Thesis

Congratulations to History and Philosophy of Science’s newest graduate, Celia Oney! Oney successfully defended her thesis “Decaying in Storage: The Closures of Three Nuclear Reactors in the Pacific Northwest”. This thesis examined the closures of the AGN-201 Research Reactor at Oregon State University, the N-Reactor at the Hanford Site in Eastern Washington, and the Trojan […]