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PhD Candidate Published in Distillations

PhD candidate Miriam F. Lipton recently published an article entitled “Bacteriophages and the Fight Against Cholera in Cold War Afghanistan: Could a Soviet-era therapy offer a new defense against antibiotic-resistant superbugs?” in Distillations, an online publication of the Science History Institute. Lipton’s research explores antibiotic resistance and its development. Through this research, Lipton explores notions of […]

Grad Student Book Reviews: Miriam F. Lipton

PhD candidate Miriam F. Lipton has been busy reviewing newly published academic books related to her own research. Recently, Lipton reviewed the following works: Pharmapolitics in Russia: Making Drugs and Rebuilding the Nation and The Environment and International History. Pharmapolitics in Russia Lipton’s review of Pharmapolitics in Russia: Making Drugs and Rebuilding the Nation by […]

M.A. Student Set to Present at Several National Conferences

Second year M.A. History and Philosophy of Science student at Oregon State University (OSU), Kathleen McHugh, is set to present at several national conferences this spring. She will be presenting at the Popular Culture Association/American Culture Association Annual Conference (PCA/ACA), the James A. Barnes Graduate Student History Conference (Barnes), and the University of Wisconsin Reproductive […]