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Downwinders and History of Science on the Research in Action podcast!

  On this episode, Katie is joined by Dr. Jacob Darwin Hamblin. The author of Arming Mother Nature, Poison in the Well, and Oceanographers and the Cold War, Jacob writes about the history and politics of science, technology, and environmental issues. His work has appeared in the New York Times, Salon, and many publications devoted […]

Hamblin wins Davis Prize

Jacob Darwin Hamblin is the recipient of this year’s (2016) Watson Davis and Helen Miles Davis Prize for his 2013 book, “Arming Mother Nature: The Birth of Catastrophic Environmentalism.” The prize, given by the History of Science Society, is awarded annually to “the author of a book useful in undergraduate teaching or which promotes public […]

Acorns to Climate Change: Bowcutt lecture brings together humanities and science

It’s been over a month ago now but I wanted to share some reflections on an interdisciplinary, interdepartmental talk that was organized by graduate students in the College of Forestry and in School of History, Philosophy, and Religion here at OSU. In Jacob Hamblin’s Environmental History seminar last year, I (Tamara Caulkins, PhD candidate, History […]