The Collapse of Nuclear Disarmament and Nonproliferation Flash Panel

On February 1st, 2019 President Trump and Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, announced that the U.S. would begin pulling out of the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty. In an effort to understand what this means, the College of Liberal Arts and the School of History, Philosophy and Religion organized a flash panel. The panel was held […]

Public Oral History Interview with Downwinder Trisha Pritikin

On January 11, 2019 an intimate group of students, professors, and community members met in the Valley Library to listen to an oral history interview of Downwinder, Trisha Pritikin, which was facilitated by Dr. Jacob Hamblin. Pritikin was being interviewed as part of a National Science Foundation grant through Oregon State University to understand the history of […]

Downwinders and History of Science on the Research in Action podcast!

  On this episode, Katie is joined by Dr. Jacob Darwin Hamblin. The author of Arming Mother Nature, Poison in the Well, and Oceanographers and the Cold War, Jacob writes about the history and politics of science, technology, and environmental issues. His work has appeared in the New York Times, Salon, and many publications devoted […]