National Science Foundation will support Rocks and Reactors Project

Linda M. Richards, Ph.D. student in History of Science at Oregon State University, has been awarded a prestigious dissertation improvement grant from the National Science Foundation.  She weathered the storm of a tough selection process and now is ready to take her research project on the road–literally.  She’ll be traveling by bus (!) to multiple […]

Reflection: Birth of a Scientific Community in Iran

by Mahdieh Tavakol* Not all science in Iran is nuclear. In recent years, we have heard a lot of news about Iran’s scientific growth. In 2010 the New Scientist wrote that ”scientific output has grown 11 times faster in Iran than the world average, faster than any other country” and in 2011 it announced that “Iran […]

Review: The Emperor of All Maladies

by Barbara C. Canavan* When The Emperor of All Maladies was published in late 2010, I knew it would be near the top of my stack of books to read. Since I am a PhD student in the History of Science and Medicine, reading a notable book on the history of cancer and its treatments […]