Dr. Anita Guerrini Retires

Horning Professor for the Humanities, Dr. Anita Guerrini, retired this month after 10 years of service at Oregon State University. Her retirement was celebrated with a reception filled with friends, colleagues, and current and former students. The official ceremonies began with opening remarks from Dr. Nicole von Germeten, the current director of the School of […]

Acorns to Climate Change: Bowcutt lecture brings together humanities and science

It’s been over a month ago now but I wanted to share some reflections on an interdisciplinary, interdepartmental talk that was organized by graduate students in the College of Forestry and in School of History, Philosophy, and Religion here at OSU. In Jacob Hamblin’s Environmental History seminar last year, I (Tamara Caulkins, PhD candidate, History […]

A Chronicle of the School Cafeteria

by Tracy Jamison*    “There ain’t no such thing as free lunch…”  Economics in eight words, El Paso Herald-Post (June 27, 1938)  Recently, when the first lady Michelle Obama and Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack announced the new school lunch nutrition guidelines, there were some critiques that the current administration had overstepped their bounds and become […]