First Year History Master’s Students Learn About Professional Development

On Wednesday October 20, 2021 History and Philosophy of Science Ph.D. candidate, Aimee Dávila Hisey, presented a workshop to master’s students about professional development where she provided an overview of internal and external grant and funding opportunities.  The 2021-2022 academic year is the first year of the history master’s program, and is Oregon State University’s […]

November 23, 2021

On Wednesday October 20, 2021 History and Philosophy of Science Ph.D. candidate, Aimee Dávila Hisey, presented a workshop to master’s students about professional development where she provided an overview of internal and external grant and funding opportunities. 

The 2021-2022 academic year is the first year of the history master’s program, and is Oregon State University’s School of History, Philosophy, and Religion’s newest graduate program. Director of Graduate Studies for the history M.A./M.S., Professor Marisa Chappell, reached out to Hisey to do the presentation due to her extensive experience applying for funding throughout her graduate career. Hisey’s presentation outlined the ways students can look for fellowships, how to create the best application possible, and how to be mentally prepared to be rejected; all of which Hisey pointed out as integral for a successful applicant.  

Although this was done on Zoom, that did not deter the audience’s eagerness to learn about applying for funding. Hisey fielded a number of questions from the students regarding all aspects of the application process. 

While this was a pilot exercise, Hisey would love to do it again. As for her biggest piece of advice for others who want to receive awards? “Know your project! Not just knowing about your project. But understanding and being able to articulate” key factors such as “intellectual merit” which can make a person’s project stand out. 

CATEGORIES: Graduate Students

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