Picking up a new language…

Throughout the past ~2.5 years, I’ve been able to pick up and work with C/C++, Python, Java, Javascript, and a few other languages. I’m also currently picking up Kotlin for my capstone project. After picking up the fundamentals in your first language, I feel like the subsequent languages are a lot easier. However, here are some tips and tricks that I’ve used:

  1. Start out by covering the fundamentals (like what’s the syntax for a function? what primitive data types are available? And how do I write a for loop). I like going through classes where they are more structured, however if you already know one language I definitely recommend saving yourself some time by focusing on a class geared towards programmers or something labeled as a “bootcamp”. These will be faster paced and will focus more on the syntax than the fundamentals.
  2. Get a comparison to programming languages that you already know. There are tons of articles online that will cover these differences. Take note of these, and keep them in your head for the next part:
  3. Build something, even if it’s something that you’ve already built! This will cement the syntax of the language in your head, and give you something to show for it at the end!
  4. Teach someone else. The best way to learn is to mentor someone else, and by doing so, you may even make a new friend or connection.

Here’s the class I’m using for Kotlin, I definitely recommend either taking it if you’re interested or looking over the topics. I would expect almost all language classes to have a similar syllabus:


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