Finally! 🎉

Hi there! My name is Mae!

I started my journey to becoming a computer science student almost 3 years ago (January 2019), and I am proud to say that I am finally taking my capstone this quarter.

Three years ago I was an electrical engineer working at a steel manufacturing plant in Illinois. Although I really did love my job (I had the opportunity to work on the upgrade of 2/3 of the controls systems in my area) I wondered where I would go next and what I would do once everything was upgraded. After all the hustle and bustle, could I stay and maintain the systems for another 20 years? Did I want to move on to a larger management position? Doing those projects made me realize that I loved any and all of the programming I got to do for the job. The controllers I worked with used various types of function block programming and solving a problem felt like figuring out a puzzle.

Looking back on my journey, I sometimes wonder how I had the nerve to do it. I had a very stable job where I had built up a good reputation and was succeeding in my field. Giving it all up and starting over was difficult. With the amount of (literal) sweat (summers were HOT in the mill) and hours I put into my job, it was hard not to feel a loss of identity and self as I started over. I really cannot thank my husband enough for being the sole breadwinner and supporting us while I pursued my dreams. I’ve put so many hours into classwork, maintaining my GPA, trying to become marketable by doing projects and studying for interviews, and will be graduating with 4 internships under my belt. I keep telling myself that one day I’ll slow down and relax but I can’t think of another way to live other than the constant push for success. I have always loved a good struggle.

Now that I’m at my capstone, it feels like reading the last chapter of a treasured book. I’m sad to finish, but I feel like this isn’t the end of my school journey! 😉 And the best part of finishing a good book is picking the next one to read. I’m excited to see what this quarter brings (my group has a really exciting project idea that we turned in and was approved) and excited for what the future holds. Welcome to Mae’s Days!



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