Ergonomic Setup

As we begin diving deeper into our projects and follow the schedules we’ve laid out in the project plan I wanted to take a moment to discuss the physical setup we have for ourselves. I’m speaking specifically of ergonomics. This is a topic I’ve researched pretty extensively and I am currently happy with my setup now.

The infographic that I reference the most is this one:

NGS Engineering ergonomic setup (

The biggest factors for me are keeping the monitor height below eye level while also keeping the neck/thoracic spine as neutral as possible. Since I have a standing table, the 90 degrees at the knees are not as important for me as the 90 degrees at the elbow. I’ve found that maintaining neutral as much as possible (especially in the wrist) has helped with staving off carpal tunnel syndrome.

I’m not sponsored by these products at all and these are simply the products that I purchased and recommend because I like them.

Logitech MX Vertical Wireless Mouse

I like using this mouse because it’s leaves the wrist pretty neutral. There isn’t excessive pronation of the wrist like there is with a regular mouse. It probably isn’t as ideal for gaming but for general everyday browsing and coding it works great.

Kinesis Freestyle2 Keyboard

I like this keyboard because it is a split keyboard and there’s less ulnar deviation when it comes to typing since you don’t have to internally rotate the shoulder nearly as much in order to reach all the keys. In addition, because the optional extension allows vertical tilting of the keys, it also reduces the amount of pronation and keeps the wrist in a more neutral position. Typing on this takes some time to get used to but it helps not only my ergonomics but my touch typing because I’m forced to properly use my fingers for the appropriate keys instead of overreaching with my left hand.

Standing Desk

I like this desk because it’s wide enough to hold two 27″ monitors and for it’s ability to raise and lower nicely and quietly. Since it is 55″ it is spacious enough to hold anything else I’d like to hold, including a laptop on a stand (if I’m using the laptop that day) or books/planners/etc.

Ergonomics is important as we dive deeper into our capstone projects and in our future as we continue to code. I think it’s important to get it correct now instead of regretting it later when we’re in pain for spending so much time in a bad position. With that being said, what are some ergonomic devices that you like to use?

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