class post

Blog Post #2

The Second

Why did you and your team choose the technologies you did?

Our team is working with React.js, Material UI, Jumbo Theme and Vite.js for frontend, and PostgreSQL, Node.js, Nest.js, Fastify, Nestjsx, Typeorm, and TypeScript for backend. Our team’s role is more of a focus on backend and transforming large sets of data into more manageable formats. This project is an industry project, so the technologies were already chosen before our team was setup. These technologies were chosen due to their ease-of-use, reliability, and streamlining of frontend and backend features, such as simplifying UI design and basic CRUD operations.

How will your project use them?

Our project will use these technologies to display the webpage’s contents, allow users to signup/login, answer a questionnaire, and store each user and their questionnaire profile in a PostgreSQL database. These users will then be matched with other users using ML/AI (answers kept vague due to signed NDA).

What do you like or dislike about your system UI/UX?

The website is responsive, clean, and easy to navigate. The nature of the website is that each user must answer a lengthy questionnaire in order to be matched with other users. The questionnaire is thorough, and therefore this process takes a long time. However, the point of the project is to increase the speed of matching users by using ML/AI, and the alternative is lengthy amounts of time spent researching on your own, finding and meeting people on your own, etc. So while the process is lengthy, relatively it saves time and is a necessary component of the project.

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