Deepthika Ennamuri tiny

Deepthika is a junior majoring in Biochemistry and Biophysics, with minors in Chemistry and Psychology.  An Honors student with an excellent academic record, Deepthika’s achievements are not limited to the classroom. Early in her college career, Deepthika carried out a bioinformatics project on the reannotation of Phytophthora genomes.  She subsequently moved on to do research on the neuroprotective effects of vitamin E and its role in recovery from spinal cord injuries. She serves as an ambassador for both the College of Science and for the Undergraduate Research, Scholarship and the Arts program.  She is an INTO Conversant Program Volunteer and an International Classroom Teaching Assistant. Deepthika has also, for the past two years, served as the lead editor for the undergraduate research journal, The Catalyst. This year, she is President of the OSU chapter of the Mortar Board Senior Honor Society.  She also serves as vice president of Phi Kappa Phi, and of the Biochemistry undergraduate club.

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