Writing Exercise 9

This week, we have read the essay ” What are the consequences of the disappearing human microbiota? ” (2009); by Blaser and Falkow. The article discussed how the disappearing of our microbiota could affect our health in different ways. Appearatally, the regulations of these microbes are important to prevent metabolic syndromes. According to the article, disappearing of H.pylori is the cause of obesity and asthma.  Pieces of evidence show that disappearing of the human microbiota was more severe in developed countries. What causes the decreasing exposure to microbes?

Overuse of antibiotic: Antibiotics are widely used nowadays on food and clinical treatments to prevent microbe infections. However, the unspecificity of antibiotics can also wash off many microbes

Lower rates of breastfeeding: Breast milk contains many beneficial microbes that could help to construct a healthy immune system, as well as the digestive system of the baby. Lower breastfeeding rates also lower the exposure of all the good microbiota.

Smaller families: Transmissions of microbes could occur between people. The fewer people in the family, the fewer chances of microbe exposure.


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