
Considerations in becoming an expatriate

When considering taking an opportunity internationally, there are quite a few factors that I would need to consider before accepting.

One important consideration that I would need to keep in mind would be the term of the assignment. If the assignment is fairly short-term it would allow me to experience a new region of the world without having to leave my support system, move out of my current living arrangement, or cover the costs of moving overseas. However, if it was a long-term assignment there would be more things to take into consideration such as the language barrier, the country’s culture, the cost and quality of living in that country, and how this change would impact my personal life.

Depending on what point in my life this opportunity was presented to me, I would not only have to consider how this change would impact myself, but also my family. Would they be able to adjust to a new culture, pick up the language, and find happiness in this new place? If this move occurred early in my career I would have more flexibility with such decisions as I would only need to consider how an extreme change as this one would impact me.

Some other considerations that my group mentioned would be if the company provides a test period or a relocation package. These factors would help make the transition a bit smoother as well as finance the move. This would also help prove to me that the company I am working for supports me and wants me to be successful in this new country.

As of right now, I am very unlikely to make a long-term move for an opportunity like this, but if the company providing the opportunity was willing to provide the benefits in order to make my transition as smooth as possible, I may be willing to change my mind.

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