Category: Uncategorized

  • CodePath – The Solution to Tech’s Leaky Pipe Problem?

    Continuing on in our series of low-stakes blog posts, I decided to blog about CodePath, an organization that helps underserved youth become software engineers. I currently serve as a TA for this program. One of the things that I am really passionate about is something called the leaky pipeline. As computer science depends on cumulative…

  • Pushing the limits of gaming hardware – PS5

    This course drops the lowest 3 blog scores so I’ll be focusing on technology that’s a bit goofy as part of my last 3 blog posts. Game Development has always been interesting where developers push the limits of the hardware so as to create the most beautiful product possible. This sometimes means restricting the player…

  • The Rise of Low-Code?

    Working on my project has made me realize how different the coding process is for different fields. An example in game development on Unity is the Main Camera, a core module that shows the playing environment for the user. We as developers communicate with this module through the use of GUI tools on Unity hub.…

  • Is there an oversupply of CS majors?

    Lots of students, especially in this post-baccalaureate program, have been drawn to computer science due to the attractive financial outcomes this field presents graduates with, especially in recent years. Indeed, BLS asserts that the field will grow by 22% from 2020 to 2030, much faster than average with a median salary of over 6 figures.…

  • CS Graduate Schools – A Cacophony of Choice?

    Towards the end of undergrad, I believe most of us have had the thought, should I pursue graduate school? This week I revisited this thought as I ended my meeting with my senior manager who informed me that I’ll have a full-time job offer lined up after my internship. The question then loomed: Do I…

  • Do we know why we’re doing this? A post on the golden calves of software development

    Today, I want to talk about various practices that we as software engineers follow as a matter of tradition. As such practices go, we sometimes ascribe meaning to these practices that deviate from the original purpose of the practice. These practices sometimes consolidate into “best practices” or “cultural axioms”. To reify this, I’ll present a…

  • Introduction

    Hi! This is my first post for my technical blog. Thanks for visiting! This blog is created on the penultimate quarter at Oregon State. It is also the busiest quarter I have where I will take 19 credits, the maximum allowed at Oregon State.  I got started with computers when the world was transitioning from…