

What am I good at?

I am unique in that I played Division I college volleyball which gave me a lot of strengths. The biggest of those is having developed leadership skills. Being named captain as a sophomore and maintaining that position through senior year put in me in many situations to grow this trait. The biggest takeaway I’ve noticed from this trait is that I have a tendency to bring people together. Secondly, I have developed great time management skills. I had to learn how to prioritize things over others in the absence of time, and I have carried that on to all other areas of my life outside of sport. I’m very organized and have plans for almost everything. Third, I am very athletic. Growing up having played multiple sports, I am active and love to compete. Lastly, and what I believe is most important to me, is I love to help others and I want to make a difference in people’s lives. I am a very positive person who likes to make the best out of all situations.

What do I value?

What makes me happy and what is important to me is knowing that I’ve made a difference in people’s lives. Making the world a better place is my ultimate goal. I want to spend most of my life in service to those who struggle in this world.

How did I get here?

I got here by choosing to play volleyball in college, and then choosing to attend Oregon State after that. I had other options but I chose this school because it was close to my hometown and family, I was comfortable with the campus and athletic program, and it was the most competitive conference to play in in Division I volleyball. I chose business because it gave me the most options career wise. I was very confused on what I wanted to do, but I eventually had to choose, and I thought business would give me several options that I’d be happy with. Coming to Oregon State and making the relationships I did helped me find myself and figure out what I want going forward. I chose to go on a service trip with other student athletes and I fell in love with giving back, and that is what made me realize it was how I wanted to spend the rest of my life. It is funny because I was initially wait listed for this trip, and got accepted last minute. Little did I know it would completely change my life and what I believe is most important.

Where am I going?

If I continue on my current trajectory, I will play international professional volleyball for 2-5 years after graduating college. I hope to continue to expand my knowledge about global politics and economics while playing my sport, so that after I am able to pursue my passion of service and non-profit work.

One reply on “Self-Reflection”


Thank you for your post this week!

There are definitely a variety of skills learned through the participation of team sports that roll over into your every day life and eventually your career. One aspect is being able to work effectively in a team, so make sure to utilize this skill in the professional world as well.

It sounds like through sport and your values you have set up a platform for yourself to continue to play the sport you love while also gaining relevant experiences that will benefit you in your career down the road.

How awesome that this service trip you almost didn’t go on helped you identify where you wanted to spend your time in the future!

Great work this term.

Kayla Arnot

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