
IPIP Results & Reactions

The results of my tests show that I am average in extraversion, high level of agreeableness, high level of conscientiousness, average in neuroticism, and low for openness. I agree with these results and I think they reflect me very accurately. For extraversion, I enjoy being with others but I also very much enjoy time along. Depending on the situation, I can be either extroverted or introverted. For agreeableness, I definitely have a strong interest in the well-being of others. The results said that because I scored high in this area, I am pleasant, sympathetic, and cooperative; and I would agree that these are traits that I carry on a day to day basis. For conscientiousness, the results state that I set clear goals and purse them with determination and that people regard me as reliable and hard-working. For neuroticism, it said that my level of emotional reactivity is normal to the general population and I am generally able to get over feelings of stress and frustration. Lastly for openness, the results show that I think in simple in plain and simple terms, and that others would describe me as down-to-earth, practical, and conservative.

From and employer perspective, based on my results I think they would see me as a reliable employee. My strengths would include caring for others, being able to understand my emotions and react accordingly, and being cooperative with teammates. I would say that based on the results my weakness would be that I care too much about the well-being of others. From my personal experience with this, I avoid conflict more than I should. It is hard for me to speak up in situations of conflict, and I tend to go with what other people want most of the time. In a career setting, I think that this would be a negative quality because I wouldn’t offer ideas if I think it might cause a problem.

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