Company Research

Recently something I have been very fascinated is has been understanding the field of various technologies and which companies are the market leaders in the field and why they are that way. Spent a bunch of time looking into the observability space which I haven’t thought about but makes a lot of sense. If you are a developer and you release some application for users/companies then you need different ways to observe the the product be it from a health perspective from making sure it performs as expected but then logging so that if something goes wrong then seeing where it happened and useful messages to troubleshoot that issue. Beyond that, you could then get analytics from said company that would allow you to then understand which users are using your apps on a broad level so you can stress test different features and see which resonates most with your customer base. Datadog has also had an interesting addition to add optionality called shift left where instead of just monitoring your application when complete but also total insight in the development of your application into the CI/CD and also Application Security. The latter makes a lot of sense as if you already have Datadog on your application it is easy to have them just secure your app and then the former you could enjoy having their logging and insights to also aid in the development of your app to prevent issues down the road.

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