Writing Exercise #10

The process of a peer review is an important step in the writing of our final essays, even though it is by and for someone who does not frequently read scientific articles. Despite the fact that both parties involved in the review process are not experts in the field, in this case, a peer review can be beneficial for many other aspects of the paper even if not all the content is understood. Some benefits of this process include the reviewer checking that there is an appropriate title, word count, font, and other formalities. Additionally, the reviews can check for the opinion that the authors have, if there is the appropriate vocabulary used, and if the paper is wordy or easy to read. It is important that the reviewer checks for the categories that are required for the assignment like if the controversy of the topic is explained and if they have the correct number and type of referenced sources. One downside of this is that our class only has the knowledge we have learned through BHS 323 and are not experts enough in the field to comment much on the content and credibility of the final essays. That being said, there is a lot that peer reviewers can look for to help improve the quality of the final essay and also learn some new things in the meantime.

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