Writing Exercise #8

Free Write #1- Most Interesting/ Surprising things I have learned or want to learn more about:

-how certain viruses can cause cancer, H. pylori and the vast range of diseases it can increase and decrease your risk for, how little is known about the microbiome in pregnancy, how probiotic supplements can be beneficial in reducing nosocomial infections and symptoms related to IBS, the role oral infections and other microbes have on cardiovascular health.

Free Write #2- about highlighted phrase

I have always been in interested in cardiovascular health and the impact is has on our nation as the leading cause of death for both men and women. Additionally, I have spent time shadowing a cardiologist and was fascinated with the field of work so much so that I would love to pursue that career. It would be great to combine my interest in that area and what I have learned in this class. Therefore, I am leaning towards choosing my final paper topic to be about how microbes influence the cardiovascular system and subsequently human health and disease.

Based on my free write above, I can now start thinking about what I will do to begin preparing to write my final paper. To start, I can search for journal articles related to my topic to see how much information is available and if it still seems interesting to me. Then, I can start to collect a series of sources and articles and begin reading them to gather information for my paper.

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