My first ten words of my Major was-

1) Circuit              der Bezirk

2) Transistor       der Transistor

3) Byte                  das Byte

4) Electrical        elektrisch

5) Engineering   die Ingenieurwissenschaft or die Technik

6) Calculus          das Differenzial-und Integralrechnen

7) Formula          die Formel

8) Transformer  der Elektroniktrafo

9) Resistor          der Widerstand

10) Capacitor      der Kondensator

Honestly I would like to learn sentences in German but that might be to much because I have never been good at foreign language.  I believe If I can start at doing good phrases but also doing decent in sentences.  Vocabulary wise I would like to know basics in my field plus the basics.  I would like to learn everything else in the 1-5 but realistic

I would like to change my evaluation: Learning blog 10%, Textbook wiki 40%, Daily check-in project work and presentation 20%, and Work Portfolio self evaluation 30%.

For me to be successful i have learned that i sometimes do need a kick in the rear end plus I do learn well with examples and some guidance on which direction to go.