Thanks for attending the presentation at the 2018 OMGA conference, Growing Gardeners.

Presentation slides coming soon!

Here are the links and resources that were shared:

Dry Farming Collaborative (participatory research)

National Audubon Society’s Christmas Bird Count (bioblitz example)


Example Master Gardener collaboration in California to survey for invasive plants being sold.

Oregon Master Gardener Citizen Science project list (approved for volunteer hours)

Oregon Season Tracker

USA National Phenology Network

Nature’s Notebook

Oregon Bee Project (Oregon Bee Atlas)

WeDigBio (possible project with OSU Herbarium)

Step by step to starting a citric project:

Public Lab (DIY CitSci kits & equipment)

Book: Citizen Science: How ordinary people are changing the face of discovery (Caren Cooper)

TED Talk: Citizen Science: Everybody Counts

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