Have a sizable email list already? Already sent out some information but the outcome is not ideal? Here are some ways you HAVE TO check out before giving up:

Stick with it:

Email marketing is still the most efficient marketing method amongst all other fancy methods. 85% of the adult on the internet uses email, and you should not miss it. The email is easy to get, and once you send out the information, it stays with your targeted customer and if you did it right, your customer will find that helpful and payback to you.

There are many ways you can get customer’s email addresses, but you want to make sure the methods are legal and polite – there are laws that you don’t want to break. Make sure your customer knows what they signed up for – a short appreciation notification can be helpful and start from there, you are on the right track to building a relationship with your customer.

Offer great content:

Give customers what they want is the only purpose of your email campaign and is the best result you can get. Before you send out the email, you need to be sure you are sending the right information in good form.

Your company email looks professional enough. After you put the foot in the door, an attractive subject line can make sure your email stands out among all others. Keep the subject line short – you don’t have to put the whole article or product link in the subject line. Numbers can easily attract attention, so does special signs like a question mark or even emojis.

Target your customers

While you are sending an email campaign to 100 email addresses, you are having communication with 100 different people, but yet, some of them have common needs or interests with others. Segment your customers according to their needs and interests and send the specific information can increase the possibility they will open your email and do more.

When the customer received information that fit exactly what they want, they are more likely to expect more information and more likely to check out the product in the email. And you are more likely to become a trustworthy information provider to them.

Check the analytics

Open rate, CTR, unsubscribe rate, any of these sounds familiar to you? If you’ve seen these showed up somewhere, congrats! You are on the way to be an email campaign expert!

The open rate is the number of people who opened the email you sent to them. It also shows your relationship with the reader. If the open rate is low, means you need to provide more valuable information and manage their expectation. Click-through rate, in shorten as CTR, is the number of people click on the link you provided in the email. This number shows how efficient you are targeting. At last, no matter how much you don’t want to face this, the unsubscribe rate is the number of readers who chose to drop out of your email list. You may offer them a quick survey to see what caused that, but once the unsubscribe rate went too high, you got some serious work to do.

If you were your customer…

If you are about to subscribe to a company’s newsletter, what are you looking for getting from them? Specific series updates? Discounted product list? Or any news? Your preference of information is based on your life experience, so does your customer!

Create a persona is very helpful to get insights from customers and create a better email campaign. 3 to 5 personas are a good number to cover all potential customers. A persona should include name, job title, and company, a series of demographic information and some values. What are they care about the most? What are the problems they are facing, and you can help them out? What is something they just don’t care about?

A complete persona can tell you a lot and you should not create this alone – communicate with salesperson and customer service department, they get a higher chance to interact with typical customers and likely have better insights.

It’s never too late to add new ideas to your email campaign, come back check your campaign and good luck to your development!



Hangen, N. 2019 “A Beginner’s Guide to Successful Email Marketing” NeilPatel.com

Henneke, 2013 “37 Tips for Writing Emails that Get Opened, Read, and Clicked” Copyblogger.com

Jimenez, K. A. 2019 “7 TOP Email Marketing Tips For 2019”, Kimberlyannjimenez.com

Kim, L. 2019 “5 Cold Email Marketing Tips to Get More Opens” Inc.com

Kim, L. 2019 “The new way of email marketing” Stukent.com

Lee, K. 2018 “The Complete, Actionable Guide to Marketing Personas” Buffer.com

Marrs, M. 2019 “The 9 Best Email Subject Line Styles to Increase Your Open Rates” WordStream.com

Marrs, M. 2019 “Perfect Timing: The Very Best Time to Send Email Newsletters” WordStream.com

MRKT 484 Hallie on company strategy- integrating email marketing with event promotion

MRKT 484 Ashley on Personas

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