Typical vs. Maximal Performance 

If i was the business owner and had to choose Avery or Jaime, I would chose Jaime because he is consistent and that way you never have to expect anything less or more of him you know exactly what he is brining to the table every-time. In clutch situations he may just have the information we need but if not id hope we have someone on are team that would be able to handle it. Avery seems like to big of a risk even with her potential, she might not even be able to perform in a clutch situation and she doesn’t sound like she has a very hard work ethic.

A job that would be really beneficial to someone like Avery could be a bus driver because there is little to no effort and its a consistent schedule where she has the ability to slack off day in and day out. For someone that has a performance level described as below average its hard to find a job they would fit best in as a professional job because most professional jobs require your ability to at least engage on a consistent basis. Jaime would probably do just fine as a bus driver but this job is just better fitting for Avery because of her work ethic.

The best fitting job for someone like Jaime could be somewhere in sales. Where he is asked to build a client list and sell products and their wont necessarily be a large expectation of him for some breakout moment. Management will know his maximum performance level and as long as he is consistent with his sales there would be no reason to get rid of Jaime. A job like this is more valuable to someone like Jaime because he is consistent mostly and also because you know exactly what he brings to the table there are no real possibilities of him losing a ton of sales one month.

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