Oregon State University
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Fun Stuff Happening At the Office

#FSHAO … f'sh@o

Winter Potluck

November 28th, 2016


Thursday, December 8, 2016
11:30 am – 2:00 pm

We are excited to announce we will be having an end of the year celebration on Thursday, December 8th, in the 3rd floor staff room, from 11:30am – 2:00pm! The first hour will be a potluck lunch and the rest will be the Gift Swap Game; please feel free to join in at any point.

The end of the year celebration will be potluck style with the main course (a taco bar) provided. Please sign up for your dish with this spreadsheet. Because oven space is limited, we highly encourage the use of crockpots, rather than ovens, for warm food. We will have plenty of power strips for crockpots and the like!

Along with socializing and eating food, we will be having an optional Gift Swap Game starting at 12:30 pm. In order to save our pocket books, we ask you not to spend more than $10 on your gift. If you plan on participating, please make/purchase a gift that you think people would enjoy receiving. The game works best when all the gifts are wrapped in a box, bag, or envelope.

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