Since we couldn’t choose between an event for March Madness or St. Patrick’s Day, we’re combining the two into a fun–filled afternoon with your Ecampus friends!
Wear your favorite college basketball team’s colors and join us for a day of fun where we’ll fill out March Madness brackets for both men and women’s basketball, play an interactive “hoops” competition and enjoy some free refreshing beverages.
1-3 p.m. (Drop in when you can!)
March 16
3rd floor staff room
FREE food:
Remember those delicious homemade marshmallows Amanda so graciously made in January? Well, she’s stepping it up this month and making festive GREEN marshmallows to add to our hot cocoa!
We’ll also have popcorn and lemonade on hand for you to snack on.
Build your bracket:
Embark in a friendly competition with your Ecampus pals during March Madness 2016. We’ll provide the brackets – all you need to do is pick your teams. After our brackets are chosen, the multimedia developers will create a fun display on the wall near Summer Session where we can track our progress all month.
Basketball competition:
If the brackets aren’t enough competition for you this March, take part in our special basketball activity during the event – “hoop” courtesy Rayne and her artistic efforts. Donations are welcome, but not required. Winner gets the grand prize of a nice pat on the back.
Aaaand lastly, keep your eye out for a watch party email – where we’ll get together to watch one of the March Madness games.
Find out more on the FSH@O blog.
We hope to see you there!
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