Oregon State University
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Fun Stuff Happening At the Office

#FSHAO … f'sh@o

Party: May the Fourth (Be with You)! – Star Wars trivia and movie night

May 1st, 2015

Monday is May the 4th, and that’s Star Wars day!

WHAT: Let’s get together and pay tribute to one of the greatest movies of all time – by talking over the movie and challenging each other with a range of trivia (for prizes). Fsh@o will provide pizza, popcorn, and blue milk (and the prizes).

WHEN: We plan to kick off the ceremony with trivia and trailers at 6pm, and start Episode IV: A New Hope by 6:30 pm. You’re welcome to show up late, but by 8:30pm: this party’s over.*

NOTE: If you plan to attend – please contact warren and get the address!

WHERE: Location of the secret rebel base – A “retired” Jedi council couple has agreed to let us party with them. The location is very close to NW 29th street and Hayes Avenue in Corvallis (a couple blocks North of the North First Alternative Co–op Grocery Store). So if you’re planning to attend, let us know and we’ll send you the coordinates. No really, if you and/or your families are planning to attend please reply to this email.

WACK: If you don’t show, we will know you are a bunch of nerf herders.


C3POH No You Didn’t!
So come and hang out, it’s only going to get nerdier (i.e. better) from here.

* eh hem, this is a quote from the star wars prequel EpisodeII: Attack of the Clones as uttered by the menacing Jedi Master Mace Windu outside the Petranacki arena of death on Geonosis.

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