When I begin to think about spatial thinking, I find it helpful to review what the scientific community has to say.  In my search, I found what the National Research Council, 2006 (NRC) report had to say extremely interesting.  They have defined thinking spatially as a separate form of intelligence based on three individual components: concepts of space, tools of representation, and process of reasoning.  Interesting… In addition, I referred to Gardner (1983); though heavily criticized for lack of empirical evidence at the onset of his theory, he included the ability to think spatially as one of his measures of a person’s intelligence.   The NRC report also claims the ability to think spatially is integral to everyday life, since everything exists in some aspect of a spatial relationship.  This statement struck me especially today in our theory meeting this morning as we were trying to define driving.  Some of the things we were considering about driving included simulator driving abilities, test taking, emotions, conditions, transferability and motor skills.  During this conversation no one mentioned spatial thinking specifically.  So if spatial thinking is so much a part of everyday life, then why do we not explicitly talk in terms of spatial thinking?  Or do we? What do you think?  How does spatial thinking effect your daily life?  Do you agree or disagree with the NRC?  Do you agree with Gardner?

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