
 Navigating the Decline and Impact of Labor Unions in America

This week, I chose to write about unions because I think they are the backbone of fair employment conditions in America. I do not know anyone who is a member of a union. However, in my research, I found out that union membership has been steadily declining in America since 1983. Controversies in unions have […]


A Personal Journey and Strategies for a Balanced Life by Navigating Stress

I recently took three psychological assessments and I am surprised by the results. Firstly, it is clear that I am dealing with a significant amount of stress in my life. I realized this after I scored 450 points on the Life Stress Inventory. According to the Holmes-Rehe statistical prediction model, this level of stress indicates […]


Interpreting the Diverse Motives in Job Compensation

Compensation often takes the spotlight in the complicated game of accepting or declining job offers. It is that enticing carrot hanging in front of you, promising both financial security and respect. I remember becoming involved in this web of incentives when I got my first job offer immediately after high school. With the offer, my mind became a battlefield of […]