
A Personal Journey and Strategies for a Balanced Life by Navigating Stress

I recently took three psychological assessments and I am surprised by the results. Firstly, it is clear that I am dealing with a significant amount of stress in my life. I realized this after I scored 450 points on the Life Stress Inventory. According to the Holmes-Rehe statistical prediction model, this level of stress indicates an 80% likelihood of experiencing a major health breakdown in the next two years. Moreover, my results from the Coping & Stress Management Skills Test suggested that I tend to underutilize problem-focused strategies. I scored 35 indicating I do not frequently use of these effective coping mechanisms. The test suggested that I should improve my coping skills by identifying specific stressors and implementing techniques such as time management, problem-solving, and positive reframing. I also took the Type A Personality Test. On this test, I scored 53 on the impatience and irritability score. From the test, I learned that these traits, particularly when intensified by stress, can lead to interpersonal challenges and potentially impact my health. To address this, I’m considering adding mindfulness and relaxation techniques into my routine. I think I should start mindfulness meditation and deep-breathing exercises to help me manage stress and temper.

As I navigate through university and into the job market, I think cultivating proper work-life balance and strong communication skills will help me prevent the majority of this stress. In fact, I will start prioritizing companies that seem to deal with employee stress in a meaningful manner. For instance, I have seen that a personalized nutrition company called Inside Tracker has an ergonomist on their staff who helps employees set up their workstations to be as ergonomically correct as possible. The company also offers a daily stretch break on Google Hangouts, led by the ergonomist, to help employees decompress. Moreover, I saw that a company called Honest Paws switched to remote work during the pandemic. The company facilitated this transition by providing a stipend to help employees set up their home offices. They also offer a monthly stipend for internet costs.This move helped to alleviate stress on the employee side, especially concerning setting up a home office and catering for the internet costs.

In conclusion, I recognize that long-term stress can have adverse effects on both physical and mental health, I’m incorporating regular health check-ups, exercise, a balanced diet, and adequate sleep into my routine. I will also be mindful in choosing the job I will undertake. I will make sure that I choose a company that prioritizes employee stress.

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