
Interpreting the Diverse Motives in Job Compensation

Compensation often takes the spotlight in the complicated game of accepting or declining job offers. It is that enticing carrot hanging in front of you, promising both financial security and respect. I remember becoming involved in this web of incentives when I got my first job offer immediately after high school. With the offer, my mind became a battlefield of […]

Training programs

Reflecting on Training Experiences: A Comparative Analysis

Training sessions are an important part of personal and professional development. They provide us with new knowledge, skills, and perspectives. However, the effectiveness of these sessions can vary greatly. In this blog, I will delve into what makes a training program effective by drawing from my personal experience of two sessions I recently attended and […]

Implicit Bias

Unveiling Implicit Bias: A Personal Journey

Recently, I embarked on a journey of self-discovery by taking the Implicit Association Test (IAT) on Harvard University’s Project Implicit website. The test, designed to uncover unconscious or automatic associations, revealed a slight automatic preference for African Americans over European Americans. This was a fascinating insight into the workings of my subconscious mind. Implicit bias, […]


Unveiling the Flaws in My Recent Interview Process at ‘Company X’

Reflecting on my recent interview experience in a company I am going to call “Company X” (I am afraid of negative legal repercussions), it is clear that the interview process I participated in had several areas of concern. The questions asked by the interviewers were inconsistent and lacked a standardized format. Some candidates were asked […]