I Learned To Use Figma

Earlier this week, I designed two mock-ups in Figma for two of the web pages for my team’s animal adoption application. Figma is a platform where you can make prototypes or wireframes of the user interface for software applications such as the one my team is doing. I had never used it before and given my lack of experience, it was initially slightly difficult to use. I prefer to jump right into experimenting with new software before reading extensive tutorials on how to use them. Figma’s user experience/interface is rather minimalist, and I think that contributed to the aforementioned difficulty. However, after more research and experimentation, I was able to spawn two mock-ups on Figma that I think encompasses the layout I am going for their respective web pages. I hope to improve my designs and make more mock-ups for the other web pages as I get more comfortable with Figma. For the rest of this week, I hope to at least start on designing the landing page and home page for the animal adoption app.

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