Why I Prefer to use React

There are a lot of front end frameworks out there, but one that I appreciate the most is React. This is a front end framework that was developed by Facebook. Why I really like this framework is because it is not as rigid as say Angular which requires you to use things like a separate html file, service files, and javascript/typescript files. Also, you have to understand the connection between these files and as Angular gets updated, the structure changes forcing someone to relearn fundamental elements. React is much simpler. You can add anything on it to make it work to your liking. You can add things for state management like Redux or MobX. You can add whichever middleware you prefer. And if you are making a small project, you can keep the html code and the javascript code within the same file. 

The documentation for React is simpler to understand as well. Facebook is currently maintaining a comprehension website full of documentation for React, so if there is something you need to learn or brush up on, it is available with a few strokes of a keyboard. Also, since so many people use React, there are hundreds, if not thousands, of articles detailing how to create production grade React code. Is that not amazing!

It continues to be very flexible in how it can be written, so one person’s or one company’s front end file structure with React can be vastly different. People can choose between class components or functional components. There are also lifecycle hooks for class components or React hooks for functional components. The possibilities are endless when working with React since in essence it is so lightweight. I will enjoy trying to figure out the best file structure and overall code to use with React for the project for CS 467 – Capstone Project. 

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