Category: Uncategorized

  • G-PIES // Implications for Materials Science Research

    My senior capstone project is on GPU-based modeling of material degradation inside of a nuclear reactor. My team coined the product name GPU-Parallelized Irradiation Environment Simulation (G-PIES). G-PIES has a working prototype interleaved with the following resources: Kohnert A. et al. Modeling Microstructural Evolution in Irradiated Materials with Cluster Dynamics Methods: A Review Sakaguchi N.…

  • Let’s Talk Stacks

    I’ve been learning Apple’s proprietary GPU API Metal, specifically the C++ header version commonly referred to as metal-cpp. The first thing I noticed out of the gate was all of the documentation and tutorials sort of lean towards the use of Xcode. I’m not particularly against using Xcode, but with our capstone project, I’ve been…

  • Time for some early spring (code) cleaning!

    Today we are talking about cleaning up code. First I will attempt to define clean code, and then I will discuss practices that can help reduce the amount of clutter in your codebase. Clean code cannot be defined by any scientific means, there are often many solutions on the matter. Making good code almost more…

  • How to take a break.

    As I stumble into my early thirties, being a husband, father of two children, and an aspiring musician in pursuit of a computer science degree, I realized something. I don’t take breaks. I get the feeling this is beyond a personal problem, and something more societal, looking at you America. Really, I’m starting to realize…

  • Collaboration: collab-OR-ration-alize your echo chamber

    Lately the buzzy word “collaboration” has been on my mind, and I’m ready to rant. I would almost throw it in the category of words like “nice” or “cool”, being so overused they almost passively mean nothing. Yes yes, collaboration has a significant meaning, especially in the field of software development, but I’ve got a…

  • My Existential Dev Mind

    Failure!!! … has become one of my favorite words (or at least in regards to it’s relevance). We all fail, and we’re all constantly fail-ing. Okay okay, it’s not all that bad, we’re not completely hopeless (optimism preamble complete). That state of screwing things up, muddying the waters, that’s where the good stuff is; heck, that’s…