For the last week, the readings presented a differing view of design thinking, and what is important about the process. The readings also shone a light onto what lies in the future of design. Design thinking can become superficial, and one has to remain critical and exercise new habits and methods to truly find continued success. The idea that design thinking is a shortened or generalized easy way for anyone to solve design problems is flawed. The future of design lies in the combination and creation of new methods by the addition of other disciplines, further evolving design and bettering the world.
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Week 9
In the readings and content for this week, we focused on thinking outside the box, or divergent thinking, the intangible elements of value good design brings, and how truly moving design is a culmination of a number of factors and considerations. By taking ideas and concepts of value we know, and combine them we can develop new ideas that people haven’t considered before. In considering the emotions design can bring, the smell, the sensation or viewing pleasure, we create products and designs that connect with the consumer on a deeper level and leave a lasting and memorable impact. Bringing different people, ideas and values together create design that is inclusive and lasting, versus surface and forgettable.
Week 8
This week was interesting as it really honed into the different mindsets that are helpful during the design thinking process. This was a great way to summarize the information we have learned this term in a concise way. The most succinct way this was framed is the concept of adventurous thinking, as all facets must be considered. From thinking sideways, backward, rethinking, thinking creatively (parkour) and looking at what we are missing involve using the skills of empathy, prototyping and observing, as well as testing and interacting with the world. These are all necessary elements for the full process of design to take place.
Week 7
This week the reading really focused on prototyping and what it means to get out there and do things. The articles highlighted how each step of the design process helps us to add empathy and understand design a little bit more. In prototyping and physically designing and evaluating a product, one is able to understand it better and make better use of it. The reading also talked a lot about how going through the process can provide more insights. Sometimes, the process brings about a completely new insight and changes the course of the design. Prototyping also allows consumers to feel and interact with a product, giving insight as well.
Week 6
This week focused largely on the concept of ideas and how we can better identify and use them. We constantly think about what we consume in our daily lives and interact with different forms of culture, education, and media. By recognizing the strengths in this consumption and applying a relaxed and open frame of mind- either by research, analysis, meditation, and exploration- and develop innovative and unique solutions and approaches to our daily lives. By absorbing and observing the world around us we expand the connections our minds are able to make the conclusions our minds can reach, and allow us to create the next best thing.
Week 5
This week’s content focused on how design is understanding and seeing implicit things surrounding us. Identifying these implicit needs and thoughts is how we create innovative and new designs.
Week 4
This week, the reading dug deeper into how we organize and create through the design process. The readings spoke to the multitude of aspects that impact the design process and contribute into the final result. The readings also touched on how the process of design has changed with the focus shifting towards UX and Human Centered Design. These philosophies for approaching design have created a new, more intuitive range of designs as it all comes from human experience. This has refined design and allowed for new innovative processes to emerge, something that the content for this week really highlighted.
Week 3
This week, the reading and content for this week delved into the redesign aspect, and how to harness creativity and work on innovative solutions or ideas. One idea discussed was the use of prototyping multiple options. By doing so, one is able to evaluate the tactile, visual and tangible item at hand and truly see what the failings are, and compare experiences. The content for this week also discussed the value in going over what you have done, what has changed, and how something comes into fruition. By analyzing the process and development, one can apply the same thinking in a new way, or compare new solutions with old and new frameworks. By utilizing multiple approaches to design thinking throughout the process, one can always gain new insight.
Week 2
This week, we delved deeper into how to practice empathy, and think of design in new ways. The readings provided insight into how one can implement more empathy into their design thinking from investing in a project that you are passionate about, or love the concept or person you are designing it for. The readings also chronicled how utilizing inspiration from others, in terms of improvisation, influence, collaboration, and even structure and requirements can unleash a new way of thinking. The video for this week’s content was interesting in that it discussed how design has developed over time and how it became smaller and concerned with aesthetics, whereas design can be anything and everything we know is ripe to be re-designed.
Hello world!
This week we began readin
g and learning about how to think in a creative way, primarily focused on human centered design. This provided information in how our perception of our creativity, our perception of the world and our experiences serve to aid us in our creative endeavors. Amongst the provided materials, an appreciation for the way each individual may interpret a situation and how that can influence their creation and design. The materials this week also served to highlight the design thinking process and how one may take these experiences, personalities and desires to create an innovative product or service.